
  • 学生安全:AAPS的首要任务

    As is true on every school day in the 投注网站, 保证学生的安全是我们的首要任务, 甚至在我们肩负教与学的重要使命之前. 我们非常重视学生安全的责任. 我们的老师, 工作人员, 领导者是经过训练的, and safety protocols are in place in every AAPS classroom and school.  We remind everyone that the most important component of our school and community safety plan is that every one of us must take the responsibility to share concerns so that we can address issues immediately. 

    AAPS 24/7安全提示电话-1-833-300停止

    In conjunction with 安全’s email and web search monitoring that AAPS uses for all student email accounts, AAPS推出了 安全举报热线.

    Note: OK2Say is also still available via the Michigan State Police.

    • 的 安全举报热线 is specific to AAPS and follows the same notification process used for student email and web searches.
    • The 安全举报热线 app is pushed out to all AAPS devices for easy access for students.
    • Posters are available throughout the schools with the anonymous contact information.
    • 的 安全 提示行 应用程序可以从AppStore或Google Play下载

    学生, 工作人员 and parents can initiate an anonymous 提示 via the app, or:


    • 欺凌
    • 伤害自己或他人
    • 精神健康问题

    OK2SAY - Michigan State Police anonymous 提示 line: email, text, phone,app - OK2Say


  • 地区危机应变总计划

    当地区内发生创伤事件或危机时, 投注网站决定提供计划的, 具体的干预. 的 District will do its best to be prepared to meet the needs of affected individuals during any time of 危机. Every 工作人员 person has the potential to perform a task or take a role in the man年龄ment of such a 危机. This plan will serve to direct and guide there roles and actions.

    Crisis response activities are organized around six major goals:

    • 有关各方的安全
    • 遏制相关反应
    • 预防负面心理“副作用”
    • 维持适当的学校活动
    • 协调地区及地盘活动
    • 适时修订及更新地区及地盘图则


    的 District and/or Site Crisis Response Teams may be activated when any of the following events occur that affect people in the District.

    • Violent incident on school property or at a school sponsored event
    • 即将发生或可能发生的事件
    • 致命或危及生命的意外
    • 车辆事故
    • 体育事故
    • 自杀(或严重的企图)
    • 与毒品有关的死亡
    • 突然的、无法解释的死亡
    • 谋杀(教职员/学生/家属)
    • 引人注目的家庭悲剧
    • 媒体宣传灾难.g. 飞机失事、国内灾难、轰炸)
    • 报告 of infectious disease or environmental contamination: Rumor control

    的 resources of the District and/or Site Crisis Response Teams may be utilized to provide longer term support responses in several other situations:

    • 绝症
    • Aftermath of suicide attempt: potential for "contagion" or repeat attempt
    • 重伤后的恢复康复
    • 药物过量的后果



    Each of our schools have emergency response plans that contain instructions to maintain the safety of students and 工作人员 during an emergency situation such as 严重的 weather. Staff practice these protocols with your students on how to respond to these situations to ensure the safety of all students.

    When inclement weather is predicted the district administration monitors the weather and weather bureau postings. Each school has an emergency weather radio that also alerts them to the warnings and watches. During a tornado warning students and 工作人员 are alerted by a short school alarm and an all school announcement over the public address system. 学生们被领进大厅,远离窗户. If students are outside they are immediately ushered inside the school to the safe locations. If students are boarding buses they are immediately brought inside to the safe location. If students are on the bus the 运输 Department will notify the drivers where to proceed with the students, usually to the closest school or community center to wait out the warning. 学生在任何时候都和工作人员在一起.

    We ask parents not to show up at schools during an active warning to pick up your student. 如果家长在学校等接孩子, they are encour年龄d to come into the school to wait until the warning is cleared along with the students. It is for the safety of your student that we advise no student be released during a warning. If a parent insists we will ask you to sign out your student but be aware that the office 工作人员 may be in the safe location in the school during the warning and unable to answer the phone or greet you at the office.

    We will do all we can to notify parents via Schoolmessenger email and phone call when a weather warning detains students at school. Our first priority is to ensure all students are safe and accounted for and we will do this first then send out the notice.

    If a warning occurs while students are in route or boarding buses, the buses will stop and ensure students are in safe shelter locations. Please do not risk your own life by waiting at a bus stop during a warning. We will take care of your students until the warning is over.

    When the warning is over and the all clear has been issued we will notify families of the progress of bus service and the option to pick up your child. At the elementary schools we will not release walkers to walk home after a warning without proper notification from parents first.

    齐心协力,我们可以确保学生的安全, 恶劣天气警告期间,工作人员和家长.

    Thank you for your understanding and your assistance in the future in following these guidelines.

    How Does 的 投注网站 Make a "Snow Day" Decision?